Saturday, December 10, 2011

Cap Barbell A Frame Dumbbell Rack

!9#: Cap Barbell A Frame Dumbbell Rack

Brand : Cap Barbell | Rate : | Price : $59.99
Post Date : Dec 10, 2011 14:58:04 | Usually ships in 3 to 5 days

Two-Tier Vertical Dumbbell Rack holds 6 pair of Hex Dumbbells. Each level is off set allowing unrestricted access to dumbbells. Offers maximum durability and better performance in less space. Warning: This product contains one or more phthalate chemicals known to the state of California to cause birth defects and other reproductive harm. Consumer may return the product for a full refund, including shipping cost for both receipt and return of the product within 15 days of his or her receipt.

  • Perfect for Hex and Rubber Hex Dumbbells from 5-30 Lbs. in 5 Lb. increments.
  • Holds 5-30lb pairs
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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Weight Lifting Dumb Bells Racks - Adjustable Dumbbell Rack - 12 PR. with cradle These adjustable dumbbell racks will accommodate an inside handle length between 4-1/2" and 5-3/8". Each level is adjustable and is furnished with high-impact polyethylene cradles. 2" x 3" 11 gauge steel construction with durable, black powder coat finish. Dumbbells not included. Durable all steel construction with polyethylene cradle. Accommodates inside handle length between 4-1/2" and 5-3/8". •Manufacturer's Warranty: 1 Year(s) •Unit of Measure: EA •Shipping Weight: 1 lbs •Ships by Freight Carrier

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Leaning Wrist Curls - A Forearm BLAST to Maximize Forearm Mass

!9# Leaning Wrist Curls - A Forearm BLAST to Maximize Forearm Mass

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The wrist curl is a very effective forearm exercise - it's a classic for very good works! But if there's one thing I've discovered in my years of training, there is ALWAYS a better way to do even the most common and effective exercises. The Wrist Curl is no exception.

To do this unique variation of the wrist curl, you're going to need two dumbbells, a flat bench and another raised surface (it can be another bench, a chair, a machine or even the rails of a power rack - it should be the same height or a little higher than the bench you're using). I will use a chair as the example for this exercise.

Use a weight you could do about 12 to 15 reps with on regular dumbbell wrist curls. Place the bench about 3 feet in front of the chair - when you see how the exercise is done, you'll be able to adjust how far apart you place the bench and chair. The bench should be perpendicular to the chair as you'll be doing the wrist curl exercise with your forearms across the WIDTH of the bench.

Stand between the bench and the chair - you should be facing the bench. Pick up your two dumbbells. Rest your forearms on the bench with your palms facing up, and kneel down in front of the bench, just as though you were about to do a wrist curl. I prefer to set the forearms on the bench just far enough apart so that the dumbbell ends are pressed together during the exercise. I find this helps increase the force you're able to generate during the exercise.

So now you're kneeling in front of the bench, your wrists are extended down and you're about to do a wrist curl. STOP! Here's the trick. You're going to set your feet up on that chair behind you!

When your feet are up on the chair, keep your body completely tight and straight. Let your bodyweight lean forward and down onto your forearms. Bend your elbows so that they are as bent as they can be and your entire bodyweight is leaning forward and supported on your forearms.

NOW start doing wrist curls. You'll find, with your forearms not only performing the wrist curl movement but also supporting your bodyweight AND with the elbows in the completely flexed position, your forearms will get a MUCH harder workout than with just plain wrist curls alone.

I recommend that you do this exercise with dumbbells rather than a barbell simply because dumbbells allow your wrists and forearms greater freedom of movement to not only find their best path for the exercise but also to increase the stabilizing requirement as you're leaning down onto your forearms. Barbells just lock you into the movement too much.

Use this exercise at the end of your workouts - don't do it first or your forearms will be exhausted and you won't be able to grip as well during your workout. It's a killer forearm exercises that takes full advantage of your biomechanics and anatomy to place greater tension on the forearm muscles.

Word of advice, don't try and do anything that requires any degree of fine motor control in your hands for at least a few minutes after you're done (like writing in a training log). Your forearms will be trashed and your handwriting will end up looking like mine on a good day!

Leaning Wrist Curls - A Forearm BLAST to Maximize Forearm Mass

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Monday, November 14, 2011

The Bicep-Blasting In-Set Superset - Great Arms Can Be Yours!

!9# The Bicep-Blasting In-Set Superset - Great Arms Can Be Yours!

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The biceps can be, at the very same time, one of the most rewarding and most frustrating muscle groups in the body...rewarding because who doesn't want to have great biceps! Frustrating because it can be extremely difficult to make them great!

That's about to change! I'm going to share with you a technique that I came up with very recently that hits the biceps so effectively, you'll have trouble reaching up to scratch your nose without shaking.

The technique is called an In-Set Superset.

Supersets are, in a nutshell, when you do two exercises in a row without taking any rest inbetween, e.g. bench press then immediately to flyes. The purpose of this is to increase the stress to the target muscle.

The In-Set Superset is slightly different than a regular Superset in that you alternate single reps of two different exercises WITHIN a set.

The example I use for triceps is combining Lying Triceps Extensions with Close Grip Bench Press. Basically, you would do one rep of the extension then immediately do one rep of the press, then extension, then press, etc., until you couldn't do any more extensions with the weight. You would then finish by burning out on the presses until you couldn't do any more reps. This blows the triceps up like crazy!

Now, those exercises are very easy to transition between. You don't have to move anything or do anything to go from one to the other. And, they're different enough to stress the triceps from different angles.

For biceps, it's a bit trickier as there are not many exercises that are practical to switch between AND which are different enough to stress the bicep muscle fibers differently than just two types of curls.

The solution: Barbell Curls and Close Grip Chin-Ups.

What we're going to do is alternate between doing a Barbell Curl (with an Olympic bar) then using that same barbell as a Chin-Up bar to do the chins on. The best place to perform this technique is in the power rack (a dip station can work if you don't have a rack available).

In the rack, set the racking hooks (the small hooks that you set the bar on for the start of an exercise) at about shoulder height. Set a bar on those hooks and load it with a weight you could curl for about 10 to 12 reps.

If you're using the dip station, set the bar on top of the dipping bars (everything else about the execution is exactly the same - you're just using the dip bars instead of the racking hooks to support the barbell).

Now stand directly in front of the bar (you should be inside the rack), step underneath it and turn around. You should be standing outside the rack facing in. The direction you face here is critical for the most natural execution of the two exercises.

Grip the bar with about a shoulder-width grip (we don't want a wide grip for the chins - also, the closer grip is better for biceps activation on barbell curls).

Lift the bar off the hooks and do a single barbell curl rep. Without removing your grip from the bar, set it back down in the hooks, lift your feet off the ground and pull them up into a cross-legged position in front of you. This position is necessary to keep your feet and knees from touching the ground during the chin.

Lower yourself down until your arms are straight then pull yourself back up. Keep your torso vertical to maximize the tension on the biceps (this is one of the other benefits of the cross-legged position - holding your legs up in front of you keeps your torso vertical without even trying).

If you are unable to do chin-ups on your own, here's another great benefit of this exercise - you can keep your feet on the floor and use your legs to spot yourself as you come up! Just make sure that you're using as much bicep tension as possible and only using your legs just enough to keep the movement going.

Setting your feet down and helping with your legs is also VERY valuable for stronger trainers as the biceps start to give out. You can really push your biceps hard by helping out with your legs as much as you need to.

At the top of the chin, set your feet back down on the floor, and without releasing your grip on the bar, immediately go into the next rep of the barbell curl.

Repeat this process until you can't do any more barbell curls in good form (it is permissible to use a bit of swinging to get a few "cheat" reps of the barbell curl to really push your biceps to the limit). When you're finished on barbell curls, you can either stop with your final chin-up rep or burn out with as many chin-ups as you can do.

At this point, I can promise that your biceps will be screaming! The emergency response from your body will send a rush of blood to your arms, resulting in one of the strongest pumps you'll ever experience. You will probably also find that your grip is being VERY strongly worked as well.

In addition, if you want to try this exercise from another angle and target brachialis development, do reverse-grip barbell curls alternated with reverse-grip chin-ups. You will need to lighten the weight to perform the reverse curls but the execution is exactly the same.

You can even alternate between sets of regular grip In-Set Supersets with sets of reverse-grip In-Set Supersets (resting in between Supersets, of course). When you're done and you can't touch your nose because your biceps are so pumped up, you'll only have me to blame.

One of the main reasons this technique works so well is that you are going from a strong isolation exercise for the biceps (the Barbell Curl) immediately into a compound exercise for the biceps (when doing the chins, the back works with the biceps to complete the movement). Your back will help push your biceps to a whole new level!

Give this technique a try in your next biceps workout. As a person who has had to overcome poor genetics for biceps, I can tell you from experience, this exercise combination will make a HUGE difference in how your biceps respond to training.

The Bicep-Blasting In-Set Superset - Great Arms Can Be Yours!

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Body Solid GDR44 2-Tier Veritcal Dumbbell Rack

!9#Body Solid GDR44 2-Tier Veritcal Dumbbell Rack

Brand : Body Solid
Rate :
Price : $88.99
Post Date : Nov 08, 2011 13:09:18
Usually ships in 3 to 5 days

Body Solid 2 Tier Vertical Dumbbell Rack. The uniquely designed Two Tier Vertical Dumbbell Rack holds 6 pairs of hex dumbbells. Each level is off set, allowing unrestricted access to dumbbells. Place it against a wall or center it in a room. Heavy gauge steel construction offers maximum durability and better performance in less space. For hex dumbbells up to 35 lbs. only. Dumbbells sold separately

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Friday, October 21, 2011

Body Solid GDR60 2 Tier Horizontal Dumbbell Rack

!9# Body Solid GDR60 2 Tier Horizontal Dumbbell Rack

Brand : Body Solid
Rate :
Price : $182.48
Post Date : Oct 21, 2011 19:26:05
Usually ships in 3 to 5 days

Body Solid 62 Inch Dumbbell Rack Keep your workout area organized, clean and, most importantly, safe. Our weight trees and dumbbell racks can be placed against any wall or centered in a room. Nobody builds stronger or more space efficient storage units. Heavy gauge steel with all 4 side welded construction is deburred inside and out for user safety. Easily holds one 1 pair each of 5 to 50 lb. hex dumbbells. Optional third tier allows storage of up to 70 lb. hex dumbbell pairs. Heavy duty 2" x 3" mainframe features a reversed pitch design that allows easy access to all three tiers. Shown with optional third tier GDRT6

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Bench Presses - The Best Chest Exercises

!9# Bench Presses - The Best Chest Exercises

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Everyone has heard the term "pecs" when referring to the chest. Short for Pectoralis Major, the pecs are the upper chest muscles, which form the major bulk of the chest muscles. To maintain muscle tone and definition, dumbbell flies, cable flies, cable crossovers, and pec deck machine exercises are highly recommended. For general upper chest muscle growth, however, the bench press exercises, as discussed below, are undisputedly the best chest exercises that you can use.

The Flat Bench Press

The flat bench press is the best chest exercise for mass development and for increasing strength of your entire pectoral muscles. It is also a great tool for developing the anterior deltoids, or front shoulder muscles. Bench presses are performed using a barbell as described below.

1. While lying on you back on a flat bench, grip the barbell using an overhand grip with your hands placed apart a bit further than shoulder width.
2. Lift the barbell off from the rack, and push it straight up until your arms are extended fully.
3. While inhaling, slowly lower the barbell down to your chest without bouncing it off from your chest.
4. Pause briefly and then push the barbell back up into the extended position. Don't allow the barbell to move to far forward or backward, or you'll lose control.
5. Exhale at the end of the movement, and then repeat the above steps.

Bench Press Variations

The Decline Bench Press is performed on a bench that is inclined at a 20 to 40 degree angle. This type of bench press is the best chest exercise for increasing the size and definition of the inferior groove of the pectorals (the lower part).

The Incline Bench Press is performed on a bench at a 45 to 60 degree incline. This exercise works on your anterior deltoid muscles and is one of the best chest exercises for developing the upper part of your pecs.

The Close-grip Bench Press is performed on a flat bench using a narrow grip, spacing the hands only about 12 inches apart. The variation targets the tricep muscles as well at your pecs.

These different bench press exercises are the best chest exercises for building up muscle mass. Although the examples are given using a barbell, the exercises can be successfully done using dumbbells.

Some chest exercises Tips

Be careful not to bounce the barbell at the lowest position. You could cause yourself serious injury. Hold the barbell straight, and do not let it move too far forward or backward or you will lose control of the weight. Bench presses are the best chest exercises that you can perform.

Bench Presses - The Best Chest Exercises

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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Best shoulder exercises and workouts to build muscle

!9# Best shoulder exercises and workouts to build muscle

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If you make a very good first impression, or do you want in your daily life or in the gym, you need to spend more time working on his shoulder muscles. The shoulders are important because they are your (hopefully) well-developed arms, cap structure and the broad chest. Broad shoulders carry connotations of power, domination and masculinity. This may come from the greek god atlas shown that always when the world was carrying on his shoulders expansive.

Sitting and standing shoulderPrint

There are several variants of the military press. One suggests that the best way to use the movement down to the bar at the bottom back of the neck. Another said that the best way to use the downward motion in order to lower the height of the bar in front of the body is the clavicle. Both versions of the downward movement advantageous in different ways. The advantage of lowering the bar on the back of the neck is that the shoulder muscles suddenly deeper, so that theside and front shoulder muscles have put a lot of stimuli due to the positioning of the shoulder. The advantage of lowering the bar to the collarbone that this position is actually safer for the shoulder socket.

Dumbbell Side Raise

Lateral raises are often woefully underutilized by the more experienced bodybuilders. These users tend to regard as muscle definition or the design of technology and not as a tool to use to further develop mass and strength in the shoulders. The major goalThe side and rear deltoid muscles. As a beginner lift, it might be difficult to feel the muscles with enough weight as resistance to provide enough stimuli. Over time, however, and if you use the proper techniques, you will start seeing significant improvements in your deltoids.

There are several ways to perform lateral dumbbell increases, and the choice may depend on the amount of material you have available. A drive cable or dumbbells can be used. Theirwant to have the flexibility to decide whether you are sitting or standing, and whether to exercise both arms at once, or spend time individually on each arm.

Whatever your choice, is basically the same movement. You should be sure to keep dumbbells at waist. The kinds of palm trees will reverse so that the dumbbells are parallel. Straighten your arms and lift your weights are level with the shoulder. At this point are perpendicularLand. If you increase the weight above the shoulder, put unnecessary strain on the shoulder socket.

Vertical lines

There are many different tools that you can perform exercises shoulder. The cable machine and dumbbells are often used, but the weights tend to be better for beginners because they leave little room for bad technique.

Use a strong grip on the top bar, which should be supported in life. Keep the bar close to the belly, liftweight vertically and finally rest to her chin. Your eyes should be simple, that at any time.

There is a strong temptation for beginners is to swing your back while lifting the bar, or change the angle of movement expected. It 'important that the whole exercise is carefully controlled, with their backs carrying the load. When the body is not rigid, it could come back or side, to make safety your primary concern.

Heavy WeightShrugs

Historically, many experienced bodybuilders muscles trap as part of their statements routinely exercised. It has long been argued that for reasons of efficiency, traps should become a routine part of training the shoulder instead. Your goal is expansive, rectangular trap muscles which can be difficult to do, by their nature and location to be developed. Heavy loads are needed in order to shrug their shoulders in order to use the maximum effect.

You need a barbell olympic barbell and a standingRacks to carry out this exercise.
Grasp the bar with one hand overhand and underhand with the other. This is known as a power alternative. Be careful to get a foot in the upright position by moving a shrug. Be sure to load the trapezius muscles and not your back.

The movement can shrug pulling in an arc of rotation, or simply achieved by raising the vertical. You can try to spasms in both directions and see which way you prefer - it should be noted thatCartilage problems can occur if the method is not spinning correctly. This is because the weight of the rocker shaft can rotate.

Earlier in this article have been told that the shoulders are an important part of the physis. The mentioned shoulder exercises and workouts to do efficient addition to any routine, but by no means an exhaustive list. What is of utmost importance to your training is to develop a good understanding ofExercises available and so are those that cause you the most benefit.

Best shoulder exercises and workouts to build muscle

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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Dumbbell workouts at home

!9# Dumbbell workouts at home

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Training Opportunities dumbbells are excellent for building muscle, increasing, and obtain a general leaner, meaner body.

One big advantage is that these workouts at home. No gym memberships, no crowding and no loss of driving time for their return. Everything can be done with minimal equipment and little space in your own four walls.

Here's what you need for an effective workout with dumbbells at home:

Dumbbells 1 - Various options.

There aresome different options for obtaining free weights. The cheapest way is to simply get a couple of "handlebar grips," and then buy separate discs. In this way you only need a pair of dumbbells and simply the change in weight after exercise you can do, and the weight that you can (and probably will be different each year you will be able to carry greater weight to some other ).

The other option is a rack handlebars, where there is a pairHandlebars and all you have to do is press a button to set the desired weight on the handles. These are incredibly comfortable, and not worry about the weight of the load on the floor. Everything works out of the rack. The disadvantage is that this is the most expensive option.

2 Bench.

Although not required, a bank is certainly useful for training, and you will be able to perform a wide variety of exercises. All it takes is a simple bench, not whatwith all the attachments into more.

3 Instruction Manual.

Now days you can find manuals dumbbells directly from the Internet. This is a simple, all you need to know what quickly and you can then start immediately. An instruction manual is very important for weight training at home. Receive any instructions on how to perform each exercise is safe and effective.

Dumbbell workouts at home

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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Body Solid GDR363 3-Tier Horizontal Dumbbell Rack

!9# Body Solid GDR363 3-Tier Horizontal Dumbbell Rack

Brand : Body Solid | Rate : | Price : $106.82
Post Date : Aug 14, 2011 03:19:06 | Usually ships in 5 to 7 days

Body Solid 40 Inch 3 Tier Dumbbell Rack. Keep your workout area organized, clean and, most importantly, safe. Our weight trees and dumbbell racks can be placed against any wall or centered in a room. Nobody builds stronger or more space efficient storage units. Heavy gauge steel with all 4 side welded construction is deburred inside and out for user safety. 40" Wide 3 Tier Dumbbell Rack WDR363. Holds one 1 pair each of 5 to 50 lb. hex dumbbells. Dumbbells sold separately

  • 3-tier horizontal dumbbell rack made of heavy-gauge steel
  • Can be placed against any wall or centered in a room
  • All-4-side welded construction is deburred inside and out
  • Holds 9 pairs of hexagonal dumbbells, from 5 to 50 pounds (sold separately)
  • Measures 40 x 30 x 20 inches (W x H x D); lifetime warranty

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